There were two self-inflicted reasons for the Democrats' loss to the self-admitted sexual offender in 2016.
First, Obama made a HUGE mistake by not taking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) off the table when it became apparent early in the Republican primary that it would be a talking point of Epstein's bestie. Honestly, is there any question why Democrats lost the vote of the working class? It all started with the signing of NAFTA and the continued support of opening our boarders to cheap foreign goods that no worker can compete with. Twenty years of a continuous flow of cheap ass items to fill Walmart shelves led to closure of manufacturing across the country AND closure of every mom and pop store in small towns everywhere. Now, these same people voted for Reagan and Bush, so they are also to blame. But Democrats embracing the trade ideas of 1980 Republicans provided the window for Epstein's bestie 35 years later.
Second, Hillary wasn't the right candidate. Let's be real, no one went into this thing not knowing how divisive she was. Also, she embraced the politics from above, which is a losing solution. Not sure how many more elections Democrats have to lose to figure that out. Bernie was the right candidate. Period. Bernie has the background to make Epstein's bestie like the carpetbagger he is. He never embraced the policies mentioned above and would have cleaned up after the Access Hollywood tape.
Biden is Bernie without the socialist tendencies. A strong supporter of unions and the working class. But without COVID, not sure if Biden pulls it off. But his last four years had LOTS of successes that NO ONE knows about. Good job keeping everything secret so that Republicans can take credit. Biden's lack of willingness to embrace how politics have changed since Gingrich led to him thinking more of the people instead of "his" people. Sad that it has turned into that, but the reality is that you have to understand the politics of current day and Biden never took advantage of his immunity or influence in self/party promotion. Where are the signs for infrastructure brought to you by Biden, the signs of CHIPs Act spending? Although there are serious issues with the CHIPs Act that Epstein's bestie will use to his advantage, like giving taxpayer money to Taiwan Semiconductor and Samsung. Why are we supporting foreign companies? Do you think for a second that Taiwan or Korea is giving grants to Intel or Micron? Hell know! Because they look out for their own. So stand by on how this will be used against Democrats to highlight our inability to manage taxpayer funds.
In 2024, Kamala had a good campaign, but the messaging was all wrong. Why in the heck was she so concerned about policy because Faux News and Epstein's bestie said she had none? The Trump playbook was already available and is here to stay. The messaging needs to be simple enough for a four-year-old to follow. If you have to explain the message, you lost the message. Inflation, blame Epstein's bestie. Hammer it home that he was SO BAD that it took three years to get it under control. Other two messages are, one, preemptively predict that the Florida abortion amendment would fail and that this law would become national law if Kamala doesn't win (another wait for it prediction). And two, more on immigration and penalties for companies that hire people in the country illegally.
The country is really going to be in such bad condition in four years that Republicans will have a hard time keeping control. However, there are only three options for the Democratic candidate - Newsome, Buttigieg or Wes Moore from Maryland. A Newsome/Moore ticket would be a sure fire winner.